Replace your job search with a job magnet

While there may often be a need for an active search for vacancies to get a great new job as soon as possible, letting the great new job find you is much more favorable.

Of course, you do not need to limit yourself to pursuing only one of the two approaches, but from my experience, I can tell that many job seekers tend to neglect the latter, unfortunately.

Why you should care

There are a lot of good reasons why you should make it as easy as possible for others to discover your availability and suitability for the positions they want to fill.

The most important benefits are:

  1. 1. You do not have to spend any time to discover the specific opportunities this approach presents as the hiring side will always take the initiative.
  2. 2. You significantly increase your chances of learning about attractive vacancies you wouldn’t be able to find yourself because they are not publicly advertised. Read this page to understand why this is so important.
  3. 3. You increase your status as a candidate because the other side has already made an initial commitment to the negotiations with you before the first contact. Needless to say, it also increases your chances of getting offered a good salary for the job.

Let the great new job find you

If you want to replace your job search with a job magnet or add the latter to your other activities, you need to ensure the following:

  • Develop an elevator pitch on the type of position you’re looking for. Wherever you go, you’ll need to have it ready for everyone who can help spread the word but cannot handle any details. Read this section to get yourself on the right track with it.
  • Communicate your elevator pitch wherever you go. That means both online and in the physical world.
  • Make sure that the information in both your CV / résumé and your LinkedIn profile etc. is aligned with your elevator pitch, descriptive, and convincing. Start with this page to learn how to do that.
  • Create a descriptive and convincing candidate profile on suitable job portals and connect with reputable headhunters and recruitment agencies.
  • Constantly leave good traces leading back to your profile through smart networking actions. Read this page of my online guide for more.
  • Whenever you are approached, always react in a professional manner and never play hard to get or other tricks.

All of that is well worth the effort, as such an approach will leverage the investment of your time compared to isolated job applications significantly. And, last but not least, it’s much more fun than chasing odd job vacancies.